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The story from the beginning

                                                                   The story from the beginnig

          It's an amazing fact when we look at religious history in the eyes of the Catholic church, but to verify the written history, we have a sense of what really happened. Actually looking at the exposed end, we believe that it is impossible that the claims of Christianity, when they say they were persecuted, in fact, they are who persecuted the early church! Christians who killed and destroyed everyone and everything that contrary to his thesis, thus making it a powerful religion to receive state protection. With this power, they changed the true worshipers of the Most High enemies with lies, leading to less enlightened minds of the people to believe what they claimed to be correct. This work is reviewed bare the religious lies with a true historical light that nobody can change, thus showing the true face of Christianity. The truth is that nowadays people think that Christianity is a true religious sector, which actually is not! Christianity was created by killing the true worshipers of the savior of mankind Hamashiach Yahushua.Seizing them fame, and changing the historical view, and so misrepresented the name of the savior of Yahushua, the nickname for false Jesus.
To all readers who have had the privilege of reading the book "The 1st Edition: The Roots Messianic nations", my greetings to all, with Shalom in the name of the Savior Yahushua Hamashiach. I want to remind everyone that this new work is a revised version, so you have a great desire to learn.

Knowing full well that this magazine "The Roots Messianic nations" will be read by sages, scholars and laymen, and will provide for some people, satisfaction and motivation in the quest for spiritual truth, but for others, instead, will be the subject of controversy and controversy. I present here some considerations.The attentive reader will notice in examining this study, which sought not to defend religion, church board, or denomination, nor own beliefs, but rather to clarify the truth, assuming that salvation comes from Yahudim (Jews) and that they were delivered the oracles of (יהוה), Yahuh, ie Scripture Blessed. When any individual is educated or lay person reading the Scriptures, it is clear that he will be stepping on the soil of Yashurun ​​(Israel), which is the Hebrew language, with reading will be experiencing the history of the 12 tribes of Yacov, from Mizraim (Egypt ) until the dispersion among the nations is the fulfillment of the prophecies, also about the ultimate restoration of all things. It is important to emphasize that the prophets, the apostles and "Master Yahushua" were all male Jews. We further clarify that in reading the Scriptures, the reader will be storing in its memory, name, places, and vocabulary words "Hebrew" as a consequence of a people be talking about "Hebrew". Here are some words and names mentioned below are not so strange for you! Haleluyah, Ravi, Alshadai, Malaquyah, Obadyah, Tzofonyah, etc.. This is because when we refer to Scripture, we are handling a material which contains the word and the name of the Almighty Yahuh, hence names like for example: Isaiah, Elijah, Nehemiah and others, even tampered contain the name of Yah. Thus the name Yah, do not be weird. Attention! Why the world is invoking these names Greek / Roman Jesus Christ, God and Lord? These and other questions that always hovered in the minds of "true worshipers of the Almighty," who are zealous and sincere. They have courage and question their religious leaders, but its leaders want to shut them down, denying and silencing with law enforcement described in its statutes dogmatists of their denominations. You, dear reader, will find the answers to why the world is evil, as stated in the scriptures. May the Almighty to enlighten you with the Ruach Hakodesh (Pure Spirit), and anoint thine eyes with eye drops that you may see the Truth, and leave the great religious babel that has trapped many servants of the highest ecclesiastical in their companies. Know, however, that the order of the Master Yahushua, in (Revelation 18: 4) is for the true worshipers will interest them just one point: The wise Solomon (Solomon) said: saying in April, 18__Mas the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shineth more and more until it becomes perfect day. Joining me for being among the true worshipers and lovers of truth, put me to provide the reader, for any clarification and I will not shirk from sit at the table with any religious scholar, philosopher or layman, so we can talk about to and grow well for her. I also recommend that the reader will look when the work has in hand a copy of the Scriptures.
Text from: Come out of her my people!

The Tetragrammaton
(Paleo Hebrew) (Babylonian Hebraico. Post)
Means. Old

Yahuh, or (Yaú) Yahu'eh, or (Yaúê)

Name of the Savior

(Heb. Paleo) (Babylonian Post)

Yahushua, Yahushua Yahshuah, Yehoshua
The above quotes are for the reader can tell the difference between right and wrong, because all remain within the same accent language Hebrew language, although some are with traces Aramaízado then were transformed into the modern Hellenism, but is can see that there was tampering. Thereby making it impossible to pronounce Jehovah, Yahweh or Jesus in the transliteration of these characters.
Most Christian religions have argued, based on the doctrinal teachings of the apostles (Emissary), but the religious statutes supported in their church refuse to grow up knowing the truth. The aim of this study is to alert the true worshipers of the Almighty (John 4: 23 correct: Yochanan) who really are children of Yacov, and were scattered throughout the nations of the earth (Isaiah 44.1-7 correct: Yshayahu). Those who have Jewish last name or not, are strangers in their own homeland. But will be grafted into the vine, "The community of Yahshurun" (Yisrael) (Yshayahu 56, 6:07 / Romans 11, 17), to enter the promised inheritance, the new heavens and new earth (shamayim haeretz) promised to Abraham.Many descendants of (12) tribes of Yacov surname with Jewish or not, prisoners still live in the clutches of Babylon will certainly want to invoke the true name of the Savior, but without knowing the name invokes Idol Greek / Roman Jesus Christ, whose name isclassified by the Savior, as: "The name of another" (Yochanan 5:43). I invite the dear reader to examine the book Hosheyah (Hosea 2, 16, 17) Where there is a clear explanation of the Most High, in defense of true worship, we read: __E happen in those days that no longer call me Baali, but my Husband . Worship the idol is considered adultery by the Almighty, hence the expression Baali. Remember, every time you invoke this name from Greek / Roman thinking that you are referring to the Son of the Most High, you are committing adultery. So the prophecy "My people shall know my name" (Isaiah 52: 6). So when we know the "Real Name", most will not invoke the name of the idol. So call me no more Baali (Idol), but I call my husband (Salvador). And your mouth will remove the names of Baalim (Idols), and their names will not come in more memory. How many sincere people within the evangelical denominations invoke the name Jesus, Jehovah, God, Lord, Christ, etc.. thinking they are referring to the Almighty, and not knowing, when he refers to using these titles, are paying honor to idols (Baal and Baalim). If you are really a sincere and devout worshiper, to honor your Creator with all thy heart, will find this truth, for it is written in the book (23 Yochanan 4.22). In recent days the true worshipers, worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, and the Father seeks such these.
The True Shepherd calls his sheep by name and leads them out.(Out of ecclesiastical religions, denominations, etc..), And when his sheep are already free, he leads them by his own blessed Spirit, because once free, they know his voice, and by no means follow a stranger, to the contrary; will flee from him because they know that one is engaged, the other is the Raider (Yochanam 10, 1 to 5).


The Historiography is the art of writing history, or the critical study of the events. Analyzing the facts from antiquity to the contemporary, based on period, time and place, thus setting the dates and names for each of them, so that it can distinguish one from another. And this work is divided into four stages.
1 History Chronology. The science that establishes the divisions of time and setting of dates.
2 History of Science. Linked to social development as Sociology, Anthropology, in a pragmatic sense, ie to understand the transformations of the past and guidelines in the future.
Full Story 3. Linked to social sciences, Marxism and structuralism, looking beyond the immediate appearance of the facts and reach the deeper explanations.
4 of Modern Social History. Opposition movement to the true history, values ​​more the cultural history of mentalities and representations, myths and legends of everyday life, without the worry of going for reactions determinants and coherent explanations.
History is reconstructed from written and unwritten, that appear around 4000 aM
The periods are:
1. Seniority: understands the history of the Orient, the Greeks and Romans, down to the barbarian invasions of the fifth century, ending on 479 dM, with the end of the Roman empire in the West.
2. Middle Ages: the feudal period of dominance in Europe, runs from 1453 (the Turks take Constantinople, capital of the Roman Empire of the East; end of the Hundred Years War) until 1553.
3. Modern Age: 1553, will expire in 1789 with the French Revolution.
4. Modern Age: From 1789 until today ...
Geographical location of Hebrews:
The map shows the exodus of the Hebrews (in red).
Because this matter Spiritual, not comment on the pre-scientific history, or Stone Age. We will make only a brief comment on the three periods.
1 Paleolithic or Old Stone Age:
a) Lower Paleolithic: 500,000 to 30,000 years before the Messiah (aM)
b) Upper Paleolithic: 30000-8000 a.m.
2 of the New Stone Age, Neolithic, 8000-5000 aM
3rd Age of Metals 5000-4000 a.m.

Straight Time
A.M. D.M.
3000 - 2500 - 2000 - 1500 - 1000 - 500 - (00) + 500 + 1000 + 1500 + 2011 years

Recalling that in 2009 the Hebrew calendar, corresponds to 5770, according to the writing of Exodus Exodus = 12, 1.2 and 12.4.

The Highest Yahuh sent the flood upon the earth by man's disobedience. But some years later the man again rebels against the Most High, wanting to make a tower to touch the sky (Genesis 11:9), so there was the confusion of languages ​​and could not agree among themselves, then broke into several languages.Being the highest rigorous in everything he divided the children of Israel as the heritage of nations, which divided the sons of Adam.(Deuteronomy 32.8). It is important that the reader consider that information and the periods mentioned here, have been meticulously copied in history and based on historical documents, essays, and encyclopedia, etc.. Recalling also that the story is set in 4000, years before the Messiah.
Now speak about the history of some people:


Mesopotamia, where they lived the Sumerians, Akkadians and Assyrians, was between the Tigris and Euphrates. Persia, was situated between the Caspian and Persian Gulf. According to Sumerian tradition, Quish was the first city in the first Mesopotamian civilization, then emerged Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Nippur and Eridu. These were cities, states with religious autonomy, each city was ruled by a priest, assisted by a council of elders, then this system has developed to the autocracy, (considered the chief political representative of the Almighty Creator on earth). Called also pates with time was established the right to inheritance, creating the dynasty around 2850 aM The most famous was that of Lagash, who annexed While Ur Lagash and Ur were fighting the Semites settled in Mesopotamia. Its most famous town was Akkad, which gave origin to the term or Akkadians Akkadians (Genesis 10:10). King Semitic Sargon united the Sumerian cities around 2330 aM whence came the first empire in Mesopotamia (1 Samuel 6.14, 18). The Acadians established an organization in its empire, ruling out the influence of priests. In 2180 a. M., the Akkadian empire suffered great devastation by Gutis, Asian people from the mountains of Armenia. Ur won supremacy over the Sumerians, but in 2000 aM the Elamites put an end to independence Sumerian.
Source of Research: Joseph Yobson

The whole history of mankind and History Myths and total

The weakening Sumerian created condition for the growth of the Semites, concentrated around Babylon (idolatrous people who had genuine desire for mythology). One of the earliest Babylonian kings was Hammurabi (1720-1686 aM), he was a magnifier of the empire, but rather was a legislator, responsible for the first code of laws that is known, called: The Code of Hammurabi. Acadiana transformed the spoken language in official and Marduk, one of the biggest "Idol of Babylon", which was considered the first supreme idol of Mesopotamia. Kingdom which was ruined in the sixteenth century a.m. with the invasions of Cassita and Hittites.

Egyptian civilization evolved in North Africa, a region characterized by the existence of the vast desert plain surrounded by the Nile. The headwaters of the river are now occupied by the boundaries of Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda. The population was mixed with different people, predominantly Hamitic people. Later, other peoples of Semitic origins and Nubia. The story begins when the Egyptian people on the bank of the Nile became sedentary, forming communities dedicated to agriculture more than hunting and fishing. According to the story in the Third Millennium a.m. this cluster of peoples evolved for small political units, called NOMOS.Unit of the 22 prefectures formed two kingdoms, one of the north and south. Around 3000 or 3200? A.M. Pharaoh Menes (or Narmer) united the two kingdoms, with its capital in tinis, hence called Tinita period, which lasted until 2800 aM The successors of Menes have organized a powerful monarchy, giving the Pharaoh's divine origin. The king ruled with absolute power, assisted by various officials who governed the prefectures, now numbering 42.There was an officer of the Nile floods, control of the 42 prefectures and also a real architect. It was the era of greater prosperity of the former empire, between 2700 and 2600 aM We built the Giza pyramids, the pharaohs assigned Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, the third dynasty, founded by Djoser in about 2850 aM with the new capital of Memphis, in the deity Menes. Suffered a crisis of rising nomads, but supported by the pharaohs nobility regained power.Allowing entry of lower layers in the army became strong and put the Palestinian neighbors to bondage, or being submissive to the Egyptians receiving taxes on copper, silver and gold. In 1900 A.M.Once you reach a large reception in the days of Joseph (Yosef), have become slaves some years later. These were 450 years in Egypt, being released in 1450 aM YAHUH sent by the Prophet Mosheh. With the expulsion of the Hyksos is marked a new phase of massive military buildup to the point of turning Egypt into an imperialist power. The period began under the reign of Ahmose I and continued with Tutima I and Hatshepsut, regent during the minority of Tutima III. Hatshepsut was the first Egyptian woman with the title of pharaoh. In the heyday of Amenhotep IV replaced the greatest idol of Egypt Supreme Amon-Ra, by Aten, symbolized by the solar disk. This measure was a political as Amenhotep amontitas wanted rid of the priests, who expelled them and built the temple of Akhenaten in Hermopolis. His successor Tutancáton overturned the law of Amenhotep, and restored the idol of Amon, and changed its name to Tatancámon in the deity Amon. In 1300 A.M. begins the dynasty of pharaohs Ramis (or Rameses), which lasted 775anos, whereas the Assyrians began to invade Egypt in 1000 aM, being invaded in 525 aM The Persian king Cambyses Pharaoh PsaméticoIII slaughter, ending the independence of Egypt. Was later ruled by Greeks, and finally falling into the hands of the Roman Empire in 30 aM


The Egyptians of old people is a polytheistic, that is, thousands of worshipers of the gods. They believed that their idols were Atropozoomórficos, (it could mutate, showing how human and animal). The admiration of the Egyptians was by nature the wick to idolatry. To explain the origin of their idols told of a legend, stating that: in the early days of Egypt, Set (The God of Wind, or the hot desert wind), murdered Osiris (The Sun West Nile, God of vegetation and seeds) and threw her body into the river. Then Isis (goddess of vegetation) could find the body, but returned to attack Sep Osiris and cut his body into 14 pieces, which spread throughout Egypt. But Isis, pronouncing magic words, put together the pieces again with the help of Horus (God-Hawk, the rising sun).Thereafter, they believed in the immortality watching the flooding of the Nile, through all the years the seeds die and rise again in nature, such beliefs have changed over time. Heliopolis the priests imposed the worship of Ra (the sun God of noon, the creator of the other idols). The first dynasty of pharaohs of Thebes, to rid themselves of the religious supremacy of the priests, took Ammon idol adored by some nomadic outsiders, coming from lower Mesopotamia (Genesis 19.38), prevailed in the end a combination of two idols, "AMON - Ra, protector of the pharaohs. Years later the Jews living strangers in other lands, desecrated everything they have learned. Began appreciating the Commandments and not denying their nationality, desecrating the eternal name "Yahuh.Yacob had its name changed to "Yashurun", not Israel. The name Israel is a more evil trinity. Is, is derived from Isis (the goddess of vegetation) Ra, (The God of midday sun) El, derives from the induction to the priests (Hel-iópolis), or simply without (H) El-iópolis, which means "The Great". Title attributed to large cities eg Metropolis etc. Hence the name IS-RA-EL. However, both the adoration of idols: the god El, the God Ra, the sun deity is in The Biographies of the idols are huge, we will mention some names: Anubis (jackal-god, protector of embalmers), Maat (goddess of justice ) Sobéque (God-crocodile, received by the newborn as an offering), Apis (bull-God, his day, was cause for mourning in the whole country). The Egyptians had the custom of devoting cities, mountains and temples with the names of their idols claiming protection. Among them are the temples: Horus in Edfu, and Abu-Simbel, carved into the rocks, at whose entrance stands the statue of Ramses II. The priests were required to make offerings to idols.On special occasions brought out in procession, that is, bring their idols for a walk, see (Isaiah 45,19,20). His priests wore priestly and had their heads shaved and were responsible for relaying the replies from their idols to the faithful, "since they themselves could not say anything," with only sticks and stones. See (Habakkuk 2.18 nd 20). We also see the birth of Eloísmo and the formation of the dogma of the Trinity. 1st season: Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz in Mesopotamia low. 2nd season: Pyramidal Ideology (Three peaks, three points), Isis, Ra and El After the death of Nimrod, Tammuz became highly respected as a God too, but at forty years old, was killed by a wild boar ( a pig), the worshipers of Tammuz created revenge for Tammuz, or kill a pig in revenge the death of Tammuz. Hence arose the custom to celebrate (Christmas), ie the birth of Tammuz occurred on December 25. At these parties created the custom of killing, roast suckling pig, pork and eat meat as a revenge the death of Tammuz. Over time invented a new theory, see! If Tammuz was a god, could not be killed by any living creature! Soon the pig was also God! And they began to worship the pig (SUS). The worship of the cross is in the deity Tammuz.The sun's anointed, the Christ of religions, the mythological winged being was hanging on a cross. Hence the Joint: CR-Crespo's or Christ + UZ, Tam-Cr = uz / uz. What is very different from the person of the Savior Yahushua HaMashiach, who came to save humanity and was hanged on a stake, ie, very different from the Cross.

Source of Research: Joseph Yobson
Total history and myths.
Source of Research: The 100 Best Stories of Mythology
By A. S. Franchini / Carmen Seganfredo.


According to history, one of the most brilliant ancient civilizations lived on the island of Crete, the Cretans. Without written documents only surviving archaeological remains of this civilization, such as palaces, tombs, statues, vases, etc.. Where did the reading of the Minotaur, according to the Greek monster that inhabited the labyrinth at Knossos, Crete's main city and was killed by the Athenians. 2000 A.M. Being great shipbuilders, ships were 20 meters in length, exclusive of the pharaohs had to carry cedar of Lebanon to Egypt. Sold bronze plaques up to 30 pounds throughout the Mediterranean.

The Phoenicians lived in the area of ​​modern Lebanon, a range of 200 km length. These Semitic origins and many smart came from the north shore of the Red Sea. A people who for years did not mix with other nations, not to be a mixed breed. Over time succumbed to trade and made a covenant with many nations, hence this idea of ​​not mixing races have fallen into oblivion. When you mix the other nations in the narrow coastal Phoenician, there were several cities: Ugarit, Arad, Byblos meaning (City of idols), Sidon, Tyre, etc.. Phoenicians for trade and piracy were the same thing.Curbed shoppers; women and children sold as slaves. Each city had its protecting god, "Baal" was the title given to the idol worship that was paid more, "Baalit" was the title given to the smaller idols, or will the candidates Gods, pictures, animals and monuments that should be sanctified. There are several other idols, among them: Alyan, the God of sources, Astarte, Goddess of fertility. Adonis (Sanctification of the man himself, kings or heroes), as Osiris in Egypt represented the rebirth of vegetation, the title "Adonis" Hope was a warrior or protection of a Hero. Melkart was the greatest idol of Tyre. Bloody sacrifices were offered to Melkart, including even humans hanging on the Cross. Later Melkart was idolized by Tophet and Molech (Leviticus 18.21 to 2 Kings 23.10 - Jer 7:31).The largest contribution to the history of the Phoenician civilization was the invention of alphabetic characters, called: alphabet of 22 signs, possibly representing numbers and sounds. Oral language "Sumerian / Acadian" becomes written history, and this alphabet was later adopted by the Hebrews and Arameans. After being perfected by the Greeks and Romans, making adjustments in the drawings and divisions.


(Pictured Hattusha Hittite city) Hittite civilization developed in the highlands of Asia Minor, Aryan Knights (inhabitants of Asia Minor) coming from the Balkans, that there would be called the Hittites.The Hittites have a lot of work to the Egyptians as being strong and quick dominated northern Mesopotamia for some years. Phrygians contributed to the destruction of the Hittite Empire, which left the war evolved into the trade until they reach the state famous for its wealth of gold, extracted from the river Pactolus, called Libya. The trade expanded in the region, and Libya had its heyday in the sixth century aM during the reign of Croesus.


It began around 1875 a.m. and became stronger with the years, learned to be a winner, seeing the defeat of many people, had its greatness from 883 to 612 aM The Assyrians of Nineveh and Assyria departed, and conquered almost the whole of Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, through the first organized army in the world. The infantry was composed of spearmen and archers, chariots was like: Ram (Machine down doors and walls) catapult, cavalry efficient, Sapper, (men specialize in building bridges and trenches). The Assyrians imposed the rule by terror. The heyday of the Assyrians during the reigns of SARGÃOII occurred, Ashurbanipal "big" and Sennacherib (2Reis19, 35). World ending in 698 a.m. Given the crisis that began when the Egyptians were freed and were followed by riots in Phoenicia, in Elam, there were almost all destroyed by the Babylonian Empire, 111 years later, Yahushalayim is besieged by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 aM (2 Kings 25,1,2 )


The Domain Babylonian turned to impose resistance in the Second Empire with the Chaldeans, a people who had allied himself with the Medes to fight the Assyrians. Descendant of Hammurabi, Nabupalasar founded the new dynasty, which had as its main sovereign his son Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3:1) ranging from: 605-563 aM This took in 587 Yahushalayim a.m. and led many Yisraelitas captive to Babylon. He built great works, including the Hanging Gardens, Tower and Imperial with 215 meters height in Babylon, which could be seen over long distances. This was succeeded Belshazzar (Daniel 5:2), who died some time later, and the second empire was overrun by the Persians.


In 539 a.m. the chief Persian Cyrus became king of two peoples, the Medes and the Persians (Ezra 6.1 ª 3) and ruled until 529 aM this in honor of his ancestor founded the Achaemenid dynasty, "Achaemenid". Cambyses II, the successor of Cyrus extended the conquest to Egypt and annexed Libya. With the death of Cambyses in 522 a.m. the heads of noble families recognized as sovereign Darius (Haggai 1:1) because apparently with Cyrus.The Persian empire was divided into 120 satrapies, with 120 governors called satraps, (Daniel 6.1 ª 3) aided by a military commander and secretary general (Daniel 6.28). This kingdom had great achievements, but suffered major failure in the battle of Marathon in 490 aM against the Greeks (11.1 th prophecy of Daniel 3). The greatest difficulties for management was the extent of the empire, 8 million square kilometers. Stifled by several invasions came to the end in 331 aM when Alexander the Great defeated Darius III at the Battle of Arbela (11.3 th prophecy of Daniel 18).


Ancient Greece began in the south of Mount Olimpio, the southern Balkans, near the Gulf of Corinth. Greece is divided into three mainland Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece to South Peninsular. There is also the Greek Island or Ocean, formed by the islands of the Aegean. The Greeks or Hellenes (or Heleáde of Hellas, the ancient name of Greece) are of Indo-European origin. Known as Aryans, inhabited the region around 2000 aM A simple and sedentary people, while other peoples were nomadic, they were fixed in the same region. This will become experts in those places, able to build trenches to surprise enemies. At first just as farmers, but were becoming serious and strong in defending their interests. The first urban centers to exist, were formed by the Achaeans, such as Mycenae, Tiryns and Argo. The inhabitants of Mycenae in contact with the island of Crete, where there was an advanced civilization. The cultures were formulated and came to Mycenaean civilization-Creto. With the arrival of another group Aryan: the Ionian and Aeolian in 1700 aM these groups have become very strong, and despite having learned many techniques with the Cretans, they decided to eliminate their masters around 1400 aM In the early twelfth century a.m. The Greeks were one of the toughest battles of antiquity, to face the dreaded Empire Trojans (Ilion, in Greek). Then they faced the Dorians, the last groups of Aryan warriors to enter Greece. These flattened large Greek colonies where there was the Greek diaspora (dispersion of the nations) there arises the new period, called by various historians: Greek Middle Ages. Where he talks about the conquest of Troy, and the battles of Achilles and Agamemnon.


Greece Attica emerged in the plains near the sea, protected by several hills which prevented the conquest of enemies. In (621 aM Dracon was instructed to submit a law because of the aristocratic disagreement (between the aristocratic or noble) because the legislation so far was only oral. Dracon imposed the death penalty for crimes considered terrible. The severity of his law was so intense that it became known as Draconian Code, 27 centuries later, causing terror in people. Then there were other legislators as: Solon, he made changes in Economy, Politics Society, etc.. then there was also the reforms of Cleisthenes 507 aM principles basic reform were political rights for all citizens. Cleisthenes created the council (Teapot) or council of 500, where the assembly (ecclesia) showed strength. He separated the ten tribes, one from each tribe to Arconde; "stewards"

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