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The name came from heaven

   The Name of the Most High Blessed
Hallowed Be Thy Name (Matthew 6, 9) This name should be highly respected, is above all other names (Philippians At 2, 9, 10) The only name that has the Highest (Zechariah 14, 9) The only Name to be saved (Acts 4, 12) The only name that can transform the simple sinner in the true son and heir of the promise, if you believe in your name and invokes it (John 1, 12) The only name that makes the alien and outsider in saints and family of Yah (To the Ephesians 2, 19) The only name that every family in heaven and on earth get to inherit eternal life (Ephesians At 3, 15)
Vejas the Privilege of Celestial Beings under the name of the Eternal.
The Scriptures speak of some among them are: Gabryal and MiguyaL. (Luke 1, 26 and Judas 9.Danial 10.13) The name is very important in the eyes of the Eternal Creator. The Scriptures relate that the Almighty knows every star by name (Isaiah 40, 26).Looking at the names of the patriarchs, prophets, heavenly messengers. It would be consistent by the Creator to remain anonymous? Of course not, especially reading the messages where the psalmist says: Hence the Yahuh the honor due His name (Psalm 96.8). Confounded be all who worship idols, graven image created by men (Psalm 97.7). His name is Yah (Psalm 68: 4. 91, 14) or where it says: for you who fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness (Malachi 4, 2) Those who decide not to give glory unto my name, say the eternal I'll send you curse (Malachi 2, 2) All flesh bless thy holy name for ever (Psalm 145; 21) Knowing that the name Yahuh should be highly respected, praised, it is necessary that people know this name, but this name is rarely used in scripture, an opposition of the ordinance where the master says, hallowed be thy name (Matthew 6, 9) This is far from being blessed, but became known to millions of readers of the scriptures.The Most High speaking to his people through Mosheh, already makes clear to his people Yisrael, there is no other Creator "but himself." _Deuteronômio 6:4.
Hear Yisrael, the Almighty is the only Yahuh Almighty. The Lord instructs His people to teach their children. __Não Fail to teach their children, repeated this commandment at home and outside home, when you lie down and when they arise. Deut 4:7. Also advised his people. __Que Enter the promised land, will not follow the idols of the peoples who are around you, for the Almighty is jealous of you, if you worship the idols that are land, the vengeance of the Almighty Yahuh be kindled against thee, and destroy theefrom the face of the earth. "Deut 6:14,15. Zealous in All the Most High continues instructing his people. __Não Marry the people which are round about you, nor you, nor your son, nor his daughters, because these people worship idols such land, but you worship the Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. But to join this people, they will make their children reject the Almighty Yahuh, land and worship idols. Then the Almighty Creator will be angry with you and destroy them once this Earth. So tear down the altars of these people break the columns and burn all the images of their idols land. Deut 7:3, 4.5.
How pronounced the name of the Almighty?
At one time the Most High has revealed his name to Mosheh. The towering descended in the cloud, and said what was his name Mosheh, ie Yahuh. (Exodus 34, 5)
. These four characters are Hebrew letters, and the Greeks invented a supposed alias called: Tetragrammaton, is read from right to left in Hebrew. In Portuguese, are represented by the alleged consonants: YHWH, that letters would be equivalent in Portuguese, but YHWH is unpronounceable only a supposed representation of name (יהוה).

Vejas false!
Yod to use: Y
Hey to use: H
to VAW uses: W
Hey to use: H

This title "YHWH" is supposedly a representation of the four characters; Yod Hey Vau, Hei:. The characters are in Hebrew and can not be compared with the letters of goim, ie, the universal alphabet (Foreign), when the characters are transliterated Hebrew names to represent, have phonetic expression, which is not the case with false YAH! But the religious representation invented an even more distorted Example: "YHWH." This representation initiated by (J) JOTA, is to give life to the false names created by the Greeks and Romans, pagans names Jehovah and Jesus. The pronunciation of these four characters is not Jehovah, but YAHUH.In Hebrew there is the sound of (J) JOTA so it would be impossible to call the Almighty by this name Jehovah. As the Almighty would be called by a name that does not in their language, Hebrew? The name of the Almighty comes from the Hebrew verb (היה) no-yah, and be created, that is, one that makes things appear;
"The Creator" His name identifies what he truly is, "He who makes things appear, is none other than the Creator Yahuh Hence their name.
So he says in (Revelation 1, 8) I am the ALEF and TAU, the beginning and end, "says Yahuh who is and who was, and what is to come, the Almighty. Some religious people to put the name of the Almighty into disrepute, said: __ Yahuh Now this name is unpronounceable, will be! This argument falls apart when we read in Numbers 6, 27, where the eternal sends Mosheh, put your name Yahuh, the children of Yashurun ​​(Israel). Even with all the corruptions that have scripture, you friends readers, can identify the name Yah, in Isaiah, the Name Yah, in Zephaniah, the Name Yah, etc. in Obadiah. The name Yah is also the former capital of Israel, which Christians call Yahushalayim of Jerusalem (2 Kings 21, 4) Daniel 9,18,19. For thy city and thy people are called by thy name.Also in Joel 2, 32. We read: And it shall come to everyone who calls on the Name of Yahuh Will Be Saved. Note: if the name of the Almighty
Yahuh, had made itself unspeakable, how could the man be Saved? Since the promise is for those who invoke his name! For man did not worship idols land, the Almighty wrote his name with His own finger on tablets of stone and handed Mosheh. (Exodus 20; 1.17) We see then that the Creator revealed his own name to them, both verbally and in writing.

Let's look at some documents that explain the name Jehovah.
Webster's'third New International Dictionary
Third International Dictionary Webster.

Lord: It is an erroneous form of the name of the God of Israel.
Encyclopedia Americana
Jehovah: The pronunciation Jehovah is a mistake; among Christians mistakenly by combining the consonants YHWH with the vowels of Adhonay.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Jehovah: Shape of the divine name of false Yahwe `eh
New Catholic Encyclopedia
Jehovah bad word spoken in an already twisted: Yah, this pronunciation is grammatically impossible. The name Jehovah is a philosophical possibility.

The Jewish Encyclopedia
Jewish Encyclopedia, p.160.
Jehovah: Error writing, pronunciation and transliteration, the four letters of the name of the Almighty (יהוה) Yod-heh, vau, he. The word Jehovah is thus mistakenly read, there is no guarantee for this and it makes no sense in Hebrew.

The interpreters dictionary of the bible
The dictionary of the interpreters of the Bible.
Jehovah: The vowels of a word with the other consonants were incorrectly read as Lord.

Italian Encyclopedia
Gesu: new Catholic dogma is a false copy of the Hebrew name (יהושע) Yahushua.

Looking up these documents, readers can clearly analyze how YAHUH, which in principle was used. In Isaiah 12, 4. The Most High said: To make his name known among the nations, making mention of Him. To fulfill this purpose the Lord spoke to put her name in his Son the Saviour (Psalm 89.24) And in my name it is known. The son explains it in (John 5, 43): I came in the Name of My Father, and ye receive me not. The fulfillment of prophecy (Zechariah 14, 9) Where it says: One is the name of the Almighty, since He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
It is the fulfillment of the scriptures.
(To the Ephesians 3, 15) from whom every family in heaven and on earth receives its name. Faced with Celestial Beings who inherited his name, Gabryal, Miguyal (Luke 1, 26 and Jude 9. Danial 10.13) But the son has inherited a more excellent name. (Hebrews 1, 4) Made more excellent than the angels, as he hath inherited a more excellent name than they, the messengers did not inherit the Yah, but the (Al), which identifies the Most High, as the "Eternal", fulfilling ( Hebrews 1:4). How important is the name that the son inherited? (To the Philippians 2, 9) So Yahuh also highly exalted him and gave him a name that is superior to all other names.
The name ... The Almighty told Moses to put on the children of: Yashurun ​​(Israel). (Numbers 6, 27). The name is Yah ... Contained in the majority of Jews.
Isaiah, Iah, Obadiah Iah, Zechariah, Iah, Nehemiah, Zedekiah Malkijah Seraiah Abijah, etc..
The name came from heaven.
(Acts 4, 12) And in no other name for salvation, because under heaven there is no other name given among men by which we must be Saved.
The Name of the Father, the Son revealed to men. (John 17, 6). I have manifested thy name to them that the world gave me. The name that the Son made known. (John 17, 26). And I made known to them thy name, and you'll know even more for the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.
What is the name?
This is the name of the Savior. The name Miryam heard that the mouth of the Angel (Messenger), and placed in his son after eight days old. (Luke 2, 21), the name was written in Hebrew in the original gospel of Matityahu found today in the library of Caesarea, and nobody can change so much proof, Yahushua has nothing in common with the way Yeshua. Remember! The diminutive form Yeshua was inserted into the Scriptures with a pejorative sense, due to anti-Semitism "as the pejorative sense of the comparison of the title Jew, with the verb haze", the term is Yahud, which means worship of Yah, and has nothing in common with "haze or abuse."Look! General Osheyah (Joshua), had the opportunity to be contemplated on being called by the name of the Almighty (Exodus 23.21), called a son of Yahushua, his responsibility was to lead the people of the desert to Yashurun ​​but Yahushua the son of Davidlead man from the desert of sin, to the new Yahushalayim. The name when he was placed in Osheyah, was hidden until the "new covenant," ie, "nobody knew that it was the name of the Almighty, which was revealed in (Colossians 1:26, Ephesians 3, 9 11). The name that the apostles baptized the early community. (Acts 2, 38) and said, Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the Name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach. The name that Yisrael was not accepted.(John 1; 11.12) But for those who have accepted, given the right to become children of the Most High, because they believed in his name. That is, they believed, was the name Yahushua Invoked on each of them in baptism, and became heir of the promise of salvation. Mosheh numbers (6.27), put the name Yah, on behalf of Yisraelitas, so that when you call, for example, "Isaiah" was already pronouncing the name "Yah." The Apostles continued with the same purpose. When invoking the name "Yahshua" for each person who is baptized, she becomes known as "Yah" as his Son.For the Most High said it would take from the Gentiles a people for his name. (Acts 15, 14)
See example of baptism in the Name of Yahushua.
(Acts 8, 12)
In the name of Yahshua Baptized if both men and women.
(Acts 8, 16)
Because on any of them had even gone down the holy spirit, only they were Baptized in the Name of Yahushua.
(Acts 10, 48)
And he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of Yahushua.
(Acts 19, 5)
And those who heard were baptized in the Name of Yahushua.
(To the Colossians 3; 17)
And when you do something in word or deed, do all in the name of Yahshua, giving him honor for the Yahúh.
Baptism is the work and word.
We must do it according to the scriptures, that is, in the Name of Yahshua, the true lamb of Yah.

Name by which the Savior was known to his family?
(1 John 2:18) (2 Corinthians 11.1 to 15)
Remember! The Apostles knew him by name Yahushua, Name that (Shaul) heard Paul on the Damascus road, and the Apostle testifies that, he heard a voice speaking in Hebrew Now! If Paul never heard in the Hebrew language could not be Jesus Iesous, these names are Greek-Roman. Hebrew is Yahushua acts 26.14,.The name Jesus Christ in Scripture was implanted years afterwards. Matthew 24, 9, be hated by all nations because of my name.
Yahushua (S John 5.43) _____Eu came in the name of my father,
Yahushua (S John 5.43) was not accepted _____E

Jesus (John 5.43 Part B)-If another comes in his own name
Jesus (John S 5.43 Part B) __ The receive.
Daniel 9, 26 says, will be taken away Messias_ not CHRIST.
APOSTLES Call it MESSIAH Mt 16, 16, You are the Messiah, the Son of YAH LIVE. His mother and his relatives the apostles and disciples knew him by his real name in Hebrew; Yahushua. Dear readers, let's put our minds to establish the facts, who are the forgers of the True Name of the Savior?
1) Danial 9.26 Prophesied a Messias__ Matthew 16.16 the Apostles spoke of a Messias__ Today we announced a Messiah Now! There was some falsification.
2) Matthew 1.21 will give birth to a son and shalt call his name Yahshua, His Mother, the Apostles and their relatives called him Yahshua, today we call the Master Yahushua also, Now! There were some fake! You quote from I John 2, 18, falls on those called by the false name Jesus Christ and Jehovah. The Lamb of Yahúh dubbed with the name of blasphemy. Attention! The Almighty has a unique name (Mt 6:9) Who has many names is the beast.(Revelation 17: 3) (3) John 5.43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, you will receive. Mankind has accepted the false name Jesus, and so perish. But salvation is only for those who accept the Messiah who came to the name Yisrael (S John 1.12) those who believe in the Name of Yahushua, receive power as heirs (only those who believe.) Dear readers, from ancient times the Almighty has taught his people Yisrael, for them to be blessed, had to receive your Name, numbers (6.27) is still in contention, Luke 24.47, John 1.12 and only those who believe in his name and welcome you are considered family. Acts 15.14, pick up the Gentiles a people for his name. Ephesians 3:15, the whole family in heaven and on earth given their name to be heirs. Ephesians 2, 19, only after receiving the name's true that we are no longer strangers and abroad, becoming saints and Family Yahúh.
As you can already identify! We advertise the same name that the apostles knew and reported throughout their ministry work.Preaching on the Planet Earth, the only name that saves it is the Good News of the Kingdom. Yahushua is the Messiah. Exodus 9, 16. All the inhabitants of Earth know my name. Some people say the name Yahushua same is true, but only for Yisroel, and Jesus is the translation of Yahushua will be in Portuguese! We analyzed whether the name Yahushua is true Yisrael, suppose that the savior of Israel traveled by plane to Brazil, come here with another name?Think about it and see what they're trying to fool you!
ACTS 2, 5.8. 11. And all amazed said: __ as we hear in our own language, proclaiming the greatness of Yah! But how did they know who the Apostles were speaking! To say: Announce them in our own tongues the wonderful works of Yah! This expression makes clear that the reputation of a man named Yahushua who made signs and wonders in Yisrael, until they had reached in their nations. Because if it were not so, they did not know who the apostles were speaking! To say now we understand in our language which heretofore had heard the news. This argument that Jesus is the translation of Yahushua, is inadequate and doubtful case is the subject matter, the name of the Savior of mankind. And we can confirm this at all times on the TV news. When a report is transmitted to people and events in other countries. Also on the books translated from one language to another.
A phrase in English, then translated into Portuguese
You may see examples in English and Portuguese with a translation.

1) Who is known all over the world as a rock and roll star But the chairman of the himself of the football club?
The answer is Elton John. English
2) Who is that everyone knows how to rock star and who considers himself president of the football club?
The answer is Elton John. Portuguese
Example. 1) The word in English rock, sig: rock, has become universal as a musical style, meaning: dancing, etc. pack.
Example 2) The character's name Elton John, remained in full without even tampering with the entire text translated.
Example 3) The name John continued in the original. Why? Now!Why does not translate name. Thus the name Yahushua is universal.
Ex.4 °) When any public figure is expected and honored in other countries, the first step is given its name. We take for example, in a UN speech, the president of Brazil, is invited to speak, and when the announcer announced the speaker, saying President Lula of Brazil speak now, and get The Barach Obama, or Fidel Castro, the people will not be surprises! Why? Now! Because both are world known by the names and image. So it must be recognized the name of the Saviour, one name across the globe. They speak of one who was born in Yisrael, but shows the world the name of an idol created by man named Jesus.

Thus it is clear the importance of the name.
WARNING! You may see what is transliteration.
Hebrew name. Name transliterated into Portuguese
Transliteration is the pronunciation of Hebrew characters.
Name in Hebrew characters pronunciation in Portuguese
. Yahushua

Baptism was never repeating the words Father, Son and Spirit, after the manner of Matthew 28:19, the religious do so, to defend the doctrine of the Trinity, which does not exist in Scripture.
Obeyed in Acts 2.38. Where was the first baptism in the name of Yahushua.
Now! The master said to perform the Baptism in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Apostles only understood this message in Luke 24.45. When the master himself opened their understanding to understand the scriptures.
So understand that:
The name Yahushua contain such manifestations.

The Name of the Father = Yahuh.
The name of the Son, Shua = = qualification Salvador.
The Holy Spirit was also sent in this name (John 14:26).
So you can only perform according to the ordinance of Baptism Matthew 28:19. Doing it in the Name of Yahushua.
Which is contained in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo phenomenon, will go to Italy next month.
Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva traveled to New York today.
The Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo of phenomenon, angers Italy next month.
The president of Brazil's Lula Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva traveled to New York today.
Note that the sentences were translated, but the names remained the same.

See the transliteration of the original name and the pronunciation is not massôrach Yahushua.
W = U
Y H Ú HS / u
/ U

You can watch the (u), is so short that has no representation (Only a light touch = / u)

Look! Sample letters cuneiform

See previous page on the transliteration of the name of Yahushua, do you use the same character below. The characters correspond to the letter. So understand what is transliteration.
ALEF A = ​​'= 1 = (A) Symbolic HEBREW ALPHABET
ET B = 2 as soffit ALSO Bet, Vet = V.
Gimmel = 3 G
He AH 5 = O (H) is only p / guttural represent the distance, but its value is = A)
FORD U = 6 (Represented as: O, conjunctive)
TET T = 9
YOD Y = 10
KAF = 20 K = Chaf soffit ALSO Kaf = RR, End of sentence.
LAMED L = 30
MEN ALSO Mem = 40 M = M soffit, end of sentence.
ALSO IN N = 50 N = a soffit, end of sentence.
Samech S = 60
AYIN A = '= 70 = (A) Symbolic Etymological = "IE, the"
PEI P = 80 ALSO Pei Fei soffit = = F, end of sentence.
TZ = 90 Tzadi ALSO Tzadi soffit end of the sentence.
Qof Q = 100
REISHI R = 200
SHIM (SH) = 300 ALSO Shim variable as (S)
TAU T = 400 Some vowel.

The Massôrach were inserted by Hellenized Jews to the Greeks, presumably in order to save the original traditions, which in reality is a lie! The Almighty has never depended on the man to keep his word true, on the contrary! Men have always sought to falsify the commandments of the Almighty, for their own pleasures. By starting Massorach invented other values ​​p / Hebrew characters in a way that the Greeks were to have access to the commandments of the Almighty, but twisting them for their idolatry
These vowel signs are placed on the words within the text according to what they want to represent any single student of Hebrew can already identify them. As the scholars? Sure! They identify them, but they hide in their religious traditions.

ALEF A = ​​'= 1 = (A) Symbolic. It CALLED ACCORDING MEMBER, BECAUSE IS EQUAL TO: (A), BUT NO MASSORACH Aleph (), is considered neutral, but entered the Massoretic signs, gives the sound that the writer wants. This is the principle of evil purpose to change times and the name of the Almighty. Observe yourself the Aleph () no, it is neutral, but has sound.
EXAMPLE: Write: אב = Translate: Father, pronunciation: AV.
Write: = אוירה Translate: Atmosphere, pronunciation: Avira
Write: אני = Translate: I, pronunciation: Ani.
Write: אתה = Translate: You, pronunciation: Ata.
Write: = אנחנו Translate: We pronunciation: Anachnú. The NUM is pronounced in the 1st syllable. = NA
Attention! If the Aleph, (), did not have sound, need not be used!But yes it has sound.
Another character that has changed with the influences was the Masoretic Hê (), values ​​were always (A), but it is just mistakenly transliterated by (H). Usa - if (H) p / represent the guttural, or initial sentence. Examples:
Write: = עגלה Translate: Carreta, pronunciation: Agla. 'Ayn to see the value of (A). "
Write: = אוירה Translate: Atmosphere, pronunciation: Avira
Write: אתה = Translate: You, pronunciation: Ata.
Writes: '= ונה translates: Pombo, pronunciation, Jonah.
Hei () is = (A or h), but at the end of names or words is = (Eh or "rr" guttural light) depends on knowing the etymology of Hebrew words, but they do not change their origin have always etymological roots.Examples: הללו - יה, Haleluia means: Praise-yah, this statement is clear, to say: praise be given to Yah (Almighty), and not to idols, and God are titles that pagans do as much with writing (D), upper-or lowercase, and even the idol, the (D, or d) does not diminish the curse, because it is creating religious and has nothing holy or pure in this respect: (God).
We do not need massôrach p / read Hebrew, we etymological examples to prove the truth, and nobody can change it. Look!Isaiah (ישעיהו) = Ishayahu note that the ayin (ע) has value of (A), ie he is not dumb as many teach. Note the Hei (ה), also with sound (A), (H) only represents the guttural in transliterations p / foreigners.
הללויה The L and L U i A
, Hayah .. היה.
Irmyah .. .. ירמיה.
. יחזקאל. Yrr'ziq'al ... etc ... The big problem is that most of the writers not to read ugly, invent a similar way, but with defects in phonetics, this name: יחזקאל, is pronounced phonetically: (Irriziquial) or אברההם, Avraham, note the (H) p / Division: distance = אברהם,. Another example is the name of the Almighty (יהוה), which translated to falsified by Jehovah, that is, create a nickname that is blasphemy. Many Bibles bring the form Yahweh, or Yahu'eh, pronunciation (Yauê), read the four Hebrew letters (יהוה)
We EXAMPLE: (י) = (Y), ה, = (A), (ו), = (U) and (ה) = (E).Remember the name does not translate, can only be transliterated!

, Yahueh (יהוה).
Attention! As (H), traditionally in this case in particular, was not pronounced in Hebrew Paller: guttural light, we have the transliteration of the name as: Yahuh, which from the beginning was used by the Patriarchs. The son inherited a more excellent name, the name came from heaven Acts 4.12. This is יהושע, Yahushua, the mystery that was hidden for centuries and Yah pleased to reveal to his saints Colossians 1: 26.

The big problem today is the human proselytism, that is, humans do not pay attention to what really has value. People only think of money and comfort and pride in the past. Look at Babylon in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, and the famous hanging gardens with beauty and finesse many luxuries.

Some examples of characters known and respected worldwide for his stories. We can see that their names were not translated, but only history. The names remain in full to all countries where their biographies are disclosed. Consider the following examples:
Carlos Viegas Gago Coutinho. Portuguese
Christopher Columbus. Italiano
Ferdinand Magellan. Portuguese



Because ordinary people can be known worldwide for their names, and the savior of humanity does not? Religious people say it's just in Yisrael Hebrew name Yahushua.


Now! If name actually translates as these explorers did not have their names translated? ANSWER: Because the name is universal and can not be translated.
The field of biography is extensive.
1. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian.
2. Pablo Ruiz Y Picasso (1881-1973) Spanish.
3. Adam Smith (1723-1790) Scottish.
4. Martin Luther (1483-1546) German.
5. Martin Luther King (1929-1968) American.
6. Nelson Mandela (1918) Political southern Africa.
7. Fidel Castro (1927) Cuban.
8. Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Head of government of Italy.
9. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826) 3rd U.S. President etc.
Thus it is clear that the name Yahushua is not just for Yisrael, but to be known around the planet Earth. (Matthew 24:47). They are trying to change the biography of the savior. Considering all these evidence and using their reasoning, who do you think will return to get your people? Yahu's Son, the savior Yahushua with the real name known and publicized by the apostles, or Jesus the false name and mythological created by the Greeks and Romans?
Wake up my friend and get out of idolatry.
There is a blessing for those who believe in the name of the Savior Yahshua, (Mark 16:16) and a curse for those who tamper with the proposal that is written. (Rev. 22.18, 19) All who adulterated the name Yahushua are murderers and criminals, and those who know the name is Yahushua and disseminates the false name Jesus, is complicit in that crime both those who committed adultery. And you what is your decision? Now that you know the name Jesus does not save anyone! Where do you want to enter? Yahushua the door.(John 10:9) or continue to be stolen by the thief (John 10:10).Remember, everyone knows that the end of the thief is damnation.And all his followers will be destroyed with it.
I Miss. M. Ricardo da Silva. Servant and Minister of the eternal world savior Yahushua Mashiach there, I invite the disciples and ministers of Jesus Christ, or someone representing him, to examine together the scriptures about the most important subject: The Eternal salvation in the person of Yahshua, without shame or unworthiness to faith, but with awareness of stripping the religious legends, cultivated in his innocence.

For more information, write or call:
Phone 17 3325 4568 or 8112 6691
Avenida Brig. Eduardo Gomes no. 1848 N. SP Barry America.
Cep 14783131
Some places where you can find communities of Yahushua.
There are several web site click, for example: net Yahushua communities. ORKUT or MSN. Site m.ricardo_1848 @ / or
E-mail or orkut m.ricardo_1848 @ or site /

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